Authors I love and reread. Dante Alighieri  -  Th. Agrippa d'Aubigné -  J.-A. Barbey d'Aurevilly  -  C. Baudelaire -  G.G. Belli -  W. Blake  -  J.L. Borges  -  R.D. Bradbury  -  Calderón de la Barca  -  I. Calvino  -  D. Campana  -  R. Chambers  -  S.T. Coleridge  -  P.K. Dick  -  A. Gryphius  -  R.A. Heinlein  -  E.T.A. Hoffmann  -  R.E. Howard  -  F. Kafka  -  J. Keats  -  T. Landolfi  -  Lautreamont  -  G. Leopardi  -  M.G. Lewis  -  H.P. Lovecraft  -  A. Machen  -  G. Manganelli  -  H. Melville  -  J. Milton  -  G. Orwell  -  G. Papini  -  P.P. Pasolini  -  F. Pessoa  -  E.A. Poe  -  R. Queneau  -  F. Quevedo  -  T. de Quincey  -  A. Rimbaud  -  J. Saramago  -  W. Shakespeare  -  M. Shelley  -  P.B. Shelley  -  C.D. Simak  -  C.A. Smith  -  J.R.R. Tolkien  -  Voltaire  -  H.G. Wells  -  O. Wilde  - 
Books: a (somewhat random) list of literature books I like to reread (novels, tales, poems, plays, etc.)
Links to interesting sites about: Books etc. -  Texts on line
Texts on and of literature here in my site.



Ricordo, quando ero studente di liceo, una professoressa che mi fece odiare la letteratura italiana ed un enorme e costoso libro, chiamato Il materiale e l'immaginario in DIECI volumi (ne comprai usati il primo e il terzo, che ho rivenduto non appena finite le superiori) che sembravano scritti proprio per questo scopo. Ho dovuto riscoprire Dante da me all'età di ventitre anni, quando ho iniziato a leggere l'Inferno su "suggerimento" di Borges (ma complice è stata anche la parodia disneyana di Guido Martina!): ho comprato una versione tascabile senza note e l'ho trovato bellissimo. In tre settimane ne sapevo a memoria i principali canti; tuttora mi ripeto, di tanto in tanto, il terzo, quinto, ventiseiesimo, ventisettesimo ed altri dell'Inferno.
Here I collect some links: of course there are myriads of sites devoted to Dante but, alas, also many companies which borrowed his name, and which have nothing to do with the Poet; as a result, often search engines give a lot of unuseful links.
On my site:
txt Dante di Giovanni Papini.
txt Per Dante e contro il Dantismo di Giovanni Papini.
txt El último viaje de Ulises di Jorge Luís Borges
On the WEB:
Biblioteca dei classici italiani Un ottimo sito con testi, informazioni e critica, a cura del prof. Giuseppe Bonghi, con informazioni sul Poeta.
Digital Dante at Columbia: an excellent site, with texts, images, criticisms, news. A site devoted to Dante's Commedia with a research edition of the text.
Class Notes by M.A.Andrade
Lecturis DANTIS An online periodical devoted to reprinting lectures on Dante.
Dante's page with a good Chronology
Dante's Divine Comedy H.F. Cary's (1772 - 1844) translation with endnotes [PDF]
Versione in TeX della commedia, con alcune applicazioni C per la lettura del testo, ad opera del prog. Gallavotti (Roma I).

Théodore-Agrippa d'AUBIGNÉ [1552-1630]
Théodore Agrippa d'AUBIGNÉ [1552-1630]

On my pages:
txt L'hiver.
On the WEB:
Théodore Agrippa d' AUBIGNÉ, a page with many poems.

Jules BARBEY D'AUREVILLY [1809-1889]
Jules BARBEY D'AUREVILLY [1809-1889]

The site by David Cocksey, University of Sheffield/Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, is a site very rich in criticism and with the complete works.
Florilège de la littérature contains the RTF version of some texts, among which Les diaboliques.
Barbeyat Bibliothèque municipale de Lisieux, with many pictures and French texts.
Other works on line.
Les diaboliques at

Charles BAUDELAIRE [1821-1867]
Charles BAUDELAIRE [1821-1867]

Charles Baudelaire, Sa vie, son oeuvre: Le poète maudit is an excellent site with biography, criticism and works.

Giuseppe Gioachino BELLI [1791-1863]
Giuseppe Gioachino BELLI [1791-1863]

The sonnets by Giuseppe Gioachino Belli not only contains hundreds of sonnets but also audio versions of them read by Maurizio Mosetti.
Giuseppe Gioachino Belli con alcuni sonetti, e motori di ricerca testuali.
Eine Menschliche Komödie in Sonetten von Klaus M. Rarisch.
Sunétt de Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli Tradótt da Franco Bergonzoni, sfiziose traduzioni in bolognese.

William BLAKE [1757-1827]
William BLAKE [1757-1827]

The William Blake Archive sponsored by the Library of Congress and supported by the Carolina Digital Library and Archives at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Songs of Innocence and of Experience.

Jorge Luis BORGES [1899-1986]
Jorge Luis BORGES [1899-1986]

Maybe he is my favorite writer: his poems, tales and essays are literature at the purest and at the highest level I know.
On my pages:
txt El sueño de Coleridge an essay from Otras inquisicciones.
txt Odisea, libro XIII a poem from El otro, el mismo.
txt El último viaje de Ulises an essay from Nueve ensayos dantescos.
On the WEB:
Some poems and tales not only by J.L.B.
Unos cuentos de Borges se hallan en ese sitio, por ejemplo: El milagro secreto, El sur, La casa de Asterión, Las ruinas circulares, Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius.
The Jorge Luis Borges Center for Studies & Documentation (services) at the University of Iowa: an important site on Borges in English/French/Spanish (mainly criticism).
Variaciones Borges as they say: Variaciones Borges is a journal of philosophy, semiotics and literature, published twice a year in Spanish, English and French by The Jorge Luis Borges Center for Studies & Documentation, University of Aarhus, Denmark. Reaching beyond pure exegeses of Borges' writings, the journal aims to explore the special style of thinking, writing and reading in which Borges excelled. Fantastic ontologies, synchronic genealogies, utopian grammars, fictional geographies, multiple universal histories, logical bestiaries, ornithological syllogisms, narrative ethics, imaginary mathematics, theological thrillers, nostalgic geometries and invented remembrances converge to justify the epithet "borgesian" for a special area of academic research, in which philosophy appears as perplexity, thought as conjecture, and poetry as the deepest form of rationality. These creative displacements of relevance can be called "transverse epistemologies"...
Fundación San Telmo: Colleccion J.L.B. Estas son la paginas que la Fundación San Telmo (que toma el nombre de el barrio en que se ubica) dedica a Borges: aqui hay material que pertenece a la Colección Borges; entre otras informaciones, aqui se puede adquirir una interesante (y muy borgiana) enciclopedia de los terminos y conceptos que recurren en la obra de Borges; tambien hay fotografías y una bibliografía ilustrada.

Raymond Douglas BRADBURY
Raymond Douglas BRADBURY

The official site on Bradbury

Pedro CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA [1600-1681]
Pedro CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA [1600-1681]

Pedro Calderón de la Barca (1600-1681) is a good starting point.
Calderón Index.
Calderón & Lope de Vega.
Calderón: Poems.
Spanish Theatre Index.
La vida es sueño at is an Argentine site with many resources.
La vida es sueño y otras obras.

Italo CALVINO [1923-1985]
Italo CALVINO [1923-1985]

Outside the Town of Malbork.
In Calvino veritas with bio, works and essays.
Italo Calvino presso
Synopsis of Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino by Kelly Evans.

Dino CAMPANA [1885-1932]
Dino CAMPANA [1885-1932]

Campana was a great Italian poet of the first half of XX century: nobody told me about him at the high school, I had to discover him by myself, and realize that he was greater than any other Italian poet of his age, especially than those who were taught at high school.
Home Page di Dino Campana.
Centro studi Dino Campana.

Robert William CHAMBERS [1865-1933]
Robert William CHAMBERS [1865-1933]

Don't confuse this great writer with that Robert Chambers who wrote Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (in some sense a novelist himself!).
On my pages:
txt Cassilda's Song, a poem borrowed from The King in Yellow.
On the WEB:
Robert Chambers at Gutenberg.
Robert W. Chambers at

Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE [1772-1834]
Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE [1772-1834]

On my pages:
txt The rime of the ancyent mariner.
txt Kubla Khan a poem dreamed and next transcribed.
txt El sueño de Coleridge an essay by Borges on the previous poem.
On the WEB:
S.T. Coleridge. The Coleridge Archive at Virginia University.
British Poetry 1780-1910: a Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions which contains an illustrated version of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner (with pictures by G.Doré).
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Poems on the same server.

Philip DICK [1928-1982]
Philip DICK [1928-1982]
Philip Dick Fans.
Philip K. Dick Awards Home Page is the site of the prize entitled to P.K.Dick.

Andreas GRYPHIUS [1616-1664]
Andreas GRYPHIUS [1616-1664]

Gryphius at with links to texts (in German).

Robert Anson HEINLEIN [1907-1988]
Robert Anson HEINLEIN [1907-1988]

Robert A. Heinlein, The Man who Sold the Moon a complete site.
The Robert Anson Heinlein Italian Site un ottimo sito in italiano.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus HOFFMANN [1776-1822]
Ernst Theodor Amadeus HOFFMANN [1776-1822]

Biography and bibliography at kirjasto.
The Tales of Hoffmann.
E.T.A. Hoffmann: gli anni di apprendistato un saggio di Claudio Bolzan.

Robert Ervin HOWARD [1906-1936]
Robert Ervin HOWARD [1906-1936]

I met him when I was thirteen, and he teached me the delight to read tales and novels: in turn I have been attracted from his books since I knew the comic adapting of his tales (comics and fairy tales are essentially the only thing I've read till I've been ten years old).
Robert Ervin Howard United Press Association is an excellent site on Howard with many criticism, as they say: The purpose of this website is to provide a forum for REHupa members to present their work to the public, as well as to serve as a source of reliable information about the life and writings of Robert E. Howard. We hope that this website will serve as a resource for anyone interested in this uniquely gifted writer, Robert E. Howard, and hope it will be of interest to both the Howard enthusiast and scholar.
Conan is the main character created by Howard.

Franz KAFKA [1883-1924]
Franz KAFKA [1883-1924]

The Franz Kafka Projext.

John KEATS [1795-1821]
John KEATS [1795-1821]

On my pages:
txt The Grave of Keats, a poem by Oscar Wilde.
On the WEB:
John Keats

Tommaso LANDOLFI [1908-1979]
Tommaso LANDOLFI [1908-1979]

Tommaso Landolfi.
Una pagina su Landolfi e Manganelli.

LAUTREAMONT (Isidore Ducasse) [1846-1870]
LAUTREAMONT (Isidore Ducasse) [1846-1870]

Maldoror, le site is a complete site both for scholars and amateurs.
Lautreamont: Ouvres completes is a site rich in works, criticisms and more.

Giacomo LEOPARDI [1798-1873]
Giacomo LEOPARDI [1798-1873] Un ottimo sito con molto materiale, studi, testi &c.
Or volge l'anno / At The Year's Turning, at Department of Italian of Trinity College (Dublin) for the Leopardi Bicentenary Project.

Howard Phillips LOVECRAFT [1890-1937]
Howard Phillips LOVECRAFT [1890-1937]

The H.P.Lovecraft Archive: is a huge site devoted not only to Lovecraft tales but also to his epistolary: probably it is the best site available (it also contains several links).

Arthur MACHEN [1863-1947]
Arthur MACHEN [1863-1947]

Friends of Arthur Machen Homepage: Horror Fantastic and Supernatural Fiction.

Giorgio MANGANELLI [1922-1990]
Giorgio MANGANELLI [1922-1990]

Una pagina su Landolfi e Manganelli.

Herman MELVILLE [1819-1891]
Herman MELVILLE [1819-1891]

I haven't read Moby Dick until I was thirty: but when I did I have been astonished by the content and prose of this chief-work, which is an epic poem of our times, just like Odyssey or Aeneid were in the past. I have read it only on seasides and cities on the sea (in Sicily and Latium) and to intertwine those pages with the song of waves and sea-gulls was marvelous.
The Life and Works of Herman Melville , a definitive site.

John MILTON [1608-1674]
John MILTON [1608-1674]

On my pages:
txt To Milton by Oscar Wilde.
On the WEB:
John Milton at Richmond University.

George ORWELL [1903-1950]
George ORWELL [1903-1950]

George Orwell Resources.
Charles' George Orwell Links.
George Orwell (1903-1950).

Giovanni PAPINI [1881-1956]
Giovanni PAPINI [1881-1956]

Papini is probably the Italian author with the worst ratio fame/talent: he was a scholar, a poet, a writer, a philosopher, an active character in the cultural scene from 1900 to 1915, now almost forgotten. After the Great War of '14-'18 he became catholic and, when fascism gained power and Italy went under its regime, Papini gave his support to the regime, being one of the great intellectuals (like Gentile and Severi) seduced by Mussolini and by his gang: txt qui potete leggere una sua sintetica biografia. Maybe for this reasons he was forgotten by Italian post-war culture. However his great talent as a writer and a scholar cannot be shadowed by his political choices.
I've found only a few links on Papini, mainly on his futuristic period (just a few months!), so I leave in this pages some of his writings: since they are difficult to be retrieved (they are out of print since several decades) and they were written one century ago, it would be a nice idea to put his best writings on the net. Here I leave a fragment of this hypothetical collection.
On my pages:
txt Ignoto, from 24 Cervelli.
txt Dante, from 24 Cervelli.
txt Per Dante e contro il Dantismo, from Eresie Letterarie.
On the WEB:
From Stroncature: Faust, Sciocchezzaio crociano, I miei conti con Croce (from the e-magazine E-Leonardo).
Some tales in Spanish translations.
Giovanni Papini, un sito italiano mantenuto da Antonio D'Amicis.
E-Leonardo is an e-magazine written in Romanian, English, French and Italian which, among other things, contains some pieces by Papini and some criticism (and even Romanian translations).

Pier Paolo PASOLINI [1922-1975]
Pier Paolo PASOLINI [1922-1975]

To me, the greatest Italian poet of his times, and a thinker much more beyond his epoch: you can find out a lot of sites about his movies, but a few on his poetical works.
Pagine corsare - Vita e opere di Pier Paolo Pasolini, un sito a tutto tondo su Pasolini, in lingua italiana.
Quo vadis? The cinema and fate of Pier Paolo Pasolini is a weird site on his movies.

Fernando PESSOA [1888-1935]
Fernando PESSOA [1888-1935]

On my pages:
txt The King of Gaps, poem.
txt Annabel Lee, poem, translation of the poem by Edgar Allan Poe.
txt O corvo, poem, translation of the poem by The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.
On the WEB:
Association Française des Amis de Fernando Pessoa in French.
Fernando Pessoa in English.

Edgar Allan POE [1809-1849]
Edgar Allan POE [1809-1849]

Great authors are always the best critics and translators: it is well known that Baudelaire wrote essays on Poe and translated him; Pessoa too did translations in Portuguese (some of them are here on my pages).
Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site is the web site of the Poe house.
About Edgar Allan Poe. is a page with biography, links and texts.
Penn State's Electronic Classics Series Edgar Allan Poe Page again texts.
Edgar Allan Poe is a site with many informations.
Edgar Allan Poe Theater is a multi-media site with texts and audio files.
The Humor of Edgar Allan Poe is a page on a less known aspect of Poe personality.

Francisco de QUEVEDO [1580-1648]
Francisco de QUEVEDO [1580-1648]

Qué Quevedo Quieres is a good starting point: they say about themselves: Esta página quiere convertirse en la ventana Quevedo al mundo de la comunicación en Internet. Aquí hallará informaciones acerca de Francisco de Quevedo en todos sus aspectos, desde bibliografía reciente hasta materiales relacionados con el escritor, avances de próximas publicaciones, información sobre congresos o reuniones y la posibilidad de ampliar contactos con otros quevedistas e investigadores sobre el Siglo de Oro. contains most of his works.

Thomas de QUINCEY [1785-1859]
Thomas de QUINCEY [1785-1859]

A page on de Quincey with links to works and toward other sites.

Arthur RIMBAUD [1854-1891]
Arthur RIMBAUD [1854-1891]

Arthur Rimbaud Info contains the complete works. è un sito in italiano con molte risorse.
Arthur Rimbaud is another French site.
Rimbaud: a good site with many resources.

José SARAMAGO [1922-2010]
José SARAMAGO [1922-2010]

The Nobel prizes page on Saramago contains some links and the text of his Nobel lecture.
José Saramago um site em portuguese.

William SHAKESPEARE [1564-1616]
William SHAKESPEARE [1564-1616]

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. The Web's first edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare.
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet as they says: This site attempts two things: 1) To be a complete annotated guide to the scholarly Shakespeare resources available on Internet. The navigation menu at left appears on each major page. Use it to access the resources indexed here. The "Other" Sites page is a definite exception to the term "scholarly." Our newest feature is a listing of Shakespeare Festivals. 2) To present new Shakespeare material unavailable elsewhere on the Internet, such as a Shakespeare Timeline, which gives the key events of Shakespeare's life and work along with related documentary evidence. There are several supporting pages to the timeline; a Shakespeare genealogy. A chart showing the relevant family relationships and dates; a Shakespeare Timeline Summary Chart, showing the events of Shakespeare's life in outline along with important contemporary events and publications; the Shakespeare Canon.
Shakespeare Oxford Society Home Page.
Richard III and Yorkist History Server which contains: King Richard III, last of the medieval English kings; The Wars of the Roses, a dynastic struggle in the later middle ages that pitted Yorkist against Lancastrian; Fifteenth-century England and its culture; The reputation of Richard III in history, literature, and drama, especially Shakespeare.

Percy Bysshe SHELLEY [1792-1822]
Percy Bysshe SHELLEY [1792-1822]

On my pages:
txt Hymn of Pan, a poem.
txt Night, a poem.
On the WEB:
Percy Bysshe Shelley. Complete Poetical Works at Columbia University.

Clifford Donald SIMAK [1904-1988]
Clifford Donald SIMAK [1904-1988]

Clifford Simak Fan page is a small site on this great science fiction writer.

Clark Ashton SMITH [1893-1961]
Clark Ashton SMITH [1893-1961]

Clark Ashton Smith is the definitive site on Smith, with texts, images, links, translations and every sort of material related to the great Californian writer.
A tribute to C.A. Smith.

J.R.R. Tolkien [1882-1973]
J.R.R. Tolkien [1882-1973]

A Tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien is an excellent site.
The Tolkien Society.

Herbert George WELLS [1866-1946]
Herbert George WELLS [1866-1946]

The H.G. Wells Society at Reading University.
The First Men In The Moon e-book.

Oscar WILDE [1854-1900]
Oscar WILDE [1854-1900]

On my pages:
txt The Ballad of Reading Gaol, a poem.
txt The Sphinx, a poem.
txt To Milton, a poem.
txt The Grave of Keats, a poem.
On the WEB:
Oscar Wilde at Victorian WEB Site.
The Picture of Dorian Gray.
De Profundis.
Poems [1881] at Columbia University.
100th Anniversary of the Trials of Oscar Wilde.
FireBlade Coffeehouse: Oscar Wilde.


Authors list: preface

Here it follows a list of authors (poets, writers,...) I have a predilection for: for each one I list some titles, not meaning the main titles of that author, but the ones I have read and liked so to suggest it to the reader. Needless to say this is a partial list (not all writers I like and read are included), multilingual (I cite titles according to the tongue in which I have read them, since this have influence on judgment) and maybe subject to changes; whenever possible I have included some links on the net.
Now the question is: why a reading list? I think they are essential: indeed it's certainly true that everyone of us has his/her peculiar net of books, authors, tales, &c. (and not necessarily if we have two or more authors in common also the rest are!) however a statistical role may be played by these lists: for example I have discovered many authors by others author's "suggestions"; thus I believe that who reads a lot should compile a list of the books he/she likes (and also, maybe above all, a list of the books he/she dislikes): for instance, if someone puts in his/her list of favorite books a book I hate, I will be prevent to read other books he/she likes.
Schopenhauer said that the true art is that of not-reading more than that of reading books: thus it's important to know how to avoid titles that would only make lost our time in reading them, because we find them boring, stupid, irritating or worse.
For example Manganelli wrote in a paper that there's no need to read a book to know if we will like it: I cite from his article Il padrino [The Godfather] from the collection Lunario dell'orfano sannita [Samnite orphan's almanac]
Un lettore di professione è in primo luogo chi sa quali libri non leggere; è colui che sa dire, come scrisse una volta mirabilmente Scheiwiller "non l'ho letto e non mi piace". Il vero, estremo lettore di professione potrebbe essere un tale che non legge quasi nulla, al limite un semianalfabeta che compita a fatica i nomi delle strade, e solo con luce favorevole.
[A professional reader is first of all one who knows which books are not to be read; he knows how to say, as once Scheiwiller admirably wrote, "I didn't read it and I don't like it". The true, extreme professional reader could be such a guy who reads almost nothing, nearly an analphabetic who has to put a lot of effort in spelling the names of the streets, and with flood-lighting only.]
I don't believe everyone has Manganelli's dowsing-rod, thus I think that lists like mine can be useful: I hope to be imitated. However some remarks on the arranging of this list are in order, just to avoid misunderstandings and useless perplexities.
I do not trust in the existence of literary genres, at most I could believe in the existence of authors (which sometimes induces in wrong); thus in this page I propose links to sites dealing with authors I like to (re)read (both poets and prose writers).
As it will be noticed by the following list, I am not interested in the classifications made by criticizers in "learned", "pulp", "classical" authors and who knows what else: I am not interested in the moral of a writer nor in his/her political ideas: I can love a writer who, from an ethical and political viewpoint, thinks exactly the contrary of what I think, and I can believe an author whose ideas I share to be a mediocre scribbler.
As Oscar Wilde wrote in the preface of his The Picture of Dorian Gray:
There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.
So it does not exist realistic literature, historical literature, fantastic literature, but only good literature and bad literature (according to our personal tastes): in other words, literature (and more generally art) has nothing to do with moral; of course a novel or a tale may be pervaded with a moral or political inspiration which I find hateful, but this will influence only the surface, the matter we touch with reason in a literary work, and not the mystery of its beauty, which we sound with other mental organs.

Some of My Favorite Literary Works Ordered by Authors

I cite books published by authors, or also single tales or poems not contained in a particular book but, for instance, published for the first time on a magazine (in this case I warn); if I have not read the work in its original tongue then I also put the original title [enclosed between brackets]; also I try to classify cited works in tales, poems and so on, if they are not contained in a single book.
For some authors I put a link to a list of other interesting links: often between these links you'll find a link to the complete cited text, somewhere on the Net.
Dante ALIGHIERI: Divina Commedia - Rime - Vita Nuova
Jules-Amédée BARBEY d'AUREVILLY: La stregata [L'ensorcelée] - Il cavaliere des Touches [Le chevalier des Touches]
William BLAKE: Songs of Innocence - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Jorge Luis BORGES: Ficciones - El aleph - Otras inquisicciones - El libro de arena - El informe de Brodie - Elogio de la sombra - Prólogos, con un prólogo de prólogos - Nueve ensayos dantescos - Historia de la eternidad - Evaristo Carriego
Raymond Douglas BRADBURY: Cronache marziane [The Martian Chronicles] - October Country - Il gioco dei pianeti [The illustrated man] - Farenheit 451
Mikhail BULGAKOV: Il Maestro e Margherita [Master i Margarita]
Pedro CALDERÓN DE LA BARCA La vida es sueño
Italo CALVINO: Le città invisibili - Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore - Fiabe italiane
Dino CAMPANA: Canti Orfici
Robert W. CHAMBERS: Il re in giallo [The King in Yellow]
Samuel Taylor COLERIDGE: The rhyme of the ancient mariner (poem) - Kubla Khan (poem) - Christabel (poem)
Philip K. DICK: La svastica sul sole [The man in the high castle] - Ubik [Ubik] - Le tre stimmate di Palmer Eldricht [The three stigmatas of Palmer Eldricht] - Cacciatore di androidi [Do androids dream of electric sheeps?]
Andreas GRYPHIUS: Notte, lucente notte [Nacht, mehr denn lichte Nacht!]
Robert Anson HEINLEIN: Universo [Orphan of the sky] - Straniero in terra straniera [Stranger in a strange land]
Ernst Theodor Amadeus HOFFMANN: Gli elisir del Diavolo [Die elixiere des Teufel] - La principessa Brambilla [Prinzessin Brambilla] - Le miniere di Falun [Die Bergwerke zu Falun] (tale) - L'uomo della sabbia [Der Sandmann] (tale)
Robert Ervin HOWARD: La torre dell'elefante [The tower of the elephant] (tale) - Intrusi a palazzo [Rogues in the house] (tale) - I vermi della terra [Worms of the earth] (tale) - Ombre al chiar di luna [Moonlight shadows] (tale) - The slitering shadow (tale) - Lo stagno dei neri [The pool of the black ones] (tale) - Red nails (tale) - La pietra nera [The black stone] (tale)
Ismail KADARE: I tamburi della pioggia - Il ponte a tre archi
Franz KAFKA: Il processo [Der Prozess] - Il castello [Das Schloss] - America [Amerika] - Nella colonia penale [In der Strafkolonie] (tale) - La metamorfosi [Die Verwlandung] (tale)
John KEATS: Lamia (poem)
Tommaso LANDOLFI: Il dialogo dei massimi sistemi - Il mar delle blatte - Cancroregina
LAUTREAMONT: Canti di Maldoror [Les Chants de Maldoror]
Giacomo LEOPARDI: Canti - Operette morali - Zibaldone di pensieri
Matthew Gregory LEWIS: The Monk
Howard Phillips LOVECRAFT: Il colore venuto dallo spazio [The colour out of space] (tale) - L'orrore di Dunwich [The Dunwich horror] (tale) - Il modello di Pickman [Pickman's model] (tale) - Herbert West, rianimatore [H.W. reanimator] (tale) - La cosa sulla soglia [The thing on the doorstep] (tale) - Nyarlathotep (tale)
Joachim Maria MACHADO de ASSIS: Memorie dell'al di là [Memorias posthumas de Braz Cubas]
Arthur MACHEN: I tre impostori [The Three Impostors] - Il Gran Dio Pan [The Great God Pan]
Giorgio MANGANELLI: Lunario dell'orfano sannita
Herman MELVILLE: Moby Dick
John MILTON: Paradise Lost
George ORWELL: 1984 - Animal Farm
Giovanni PAPINI: Un uomo finito - Gog - Strane storie - 24 cervelli (essays) - L'esperienza futurista (essays)
Pier Paolo PASOLINI: Poesia in forma di rosa - Trasumanar e organizzar
Fernando PESSOA: Fausto - Poemas esotéricos
Edgar Allan POE: Tales of grotesque and arabesque - Gordon Pym - The Raven and other poems - Tamerlane and other poems
Raymond QUENEAU: I fiori blu [Les fleurs bleu] - Pétit cosmogonie portative - Exercises de style
Francisco de QUEVEDO: El buscón - Sogni [Sueños] - Sonetos
Thomas de QUINCEY: Confessioni di un inglese mangiatore d'oppio [Confessions of an English Opium Eater]
José SARAMAGO: Tutti i nomi [Todos os nomes] - L'anno della morte di Ricardo Reis [O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis] - Memoriale del convento [Memorial do convento] - Storia dell'assedio di Lisbona [História do cerco de Lisboa]
William SHAKESPEARE: Sonnets - Macbeth (play) - The Tempest (play) - Hamlet (play) - Richard III (play) - Othello (play)
Mary SHELLEY: Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus
Percy Bysshe SHELLEY: Time (poem) - The triumph of Life (poem)
Clifford Donald SIMAK: Anni senza fine [City] - Oltre l'invisibile [Time and again] - Why call them back from Heaven? - La bambola del destino [Destiny doll]
Clark Ashton SMITH: L'impero dei negromanti [The empire of necromances] (tale) - Il dio dei morti [The Charnel God] (tale) - L'ultimo geroclifico [The last Hieroglyph] (tale) - I negromanti di Naat [Necromancy in Naat] (tale)
Robert Louis STEVENSON: The strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde - Il diavolo nella bottiglia [The Devil in the Bottle]
Theodore STURGEON: Cristalli sognanti [The Dreaming Jewels]
J.R.R. TOLKIEN: Il signore degli anelli [The lord of rings] - The Hobbith
VOLTAIRE: Candide - Zadig - Dictionnaire Philosophique (essays)
Herbert George WELLS: The Time Machine - La guerra dei mondi [War of the worlds] - L'uomo invisibile [The invisible man] - The Country of the Blind (tale) - L'uovo di cristallo [The Crystal Egg] (tale) - The new accelerator (tale)
Oscar WILDE: Il ritratto di Dorian Gray [The picture of Dorian Gray] - The ballad of Reading Gaol (poem) - The Sphynx (poem) - L'importanza di essere Ernesto [The importance of Being Earnest]


Some links about literature

Twentieth-century Poetry in English maintained by Professor Eiichi Hishikawa.
Piet Wesselman personal page proposes another good list of authors.
WU-MING's official websitea contains the works of different people which write under a collective pseudonym (formerly Luther Blisset, now Wu Ming) and fight for a copyright (and scheme) free literature: they produced some great works, like Q and 1954.
The Nobel prizes is the site of the Nobel foundation with informations about the winners, and texts from their Nobel lectures.
HUMANUM is a site oriented toward human studies and maintained by Humanities Computing and Methodology Programme of Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH), at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As they say: Our task is twofold: namely, 1) meta-indexing humanities resources worldwide, and 2) develop texts, tools and pages covering various interests in the humanistic scholarship.
The Stoa: A Consortium for Electronic Publication in the Humanities whose goals are to foster a new style of refereed scholarly publications in the humanities not only of interest to specialists but also - and just as importantly - accessible by design and choice of medium to wide public audiences, to develop and refine new models for scholarly collaboration via the Internet, to help insure the long-term interoperability and archival availability of electronic materials, to support resolutions to copyright and other issues as they arise in the course of scholarly electronic publication.
The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook.
Encyclopedia Britannica On Line on subscription. editors bring you selected websites, leading magazines, related books, and the complete Encyclopedia Britannica.
Classical Authors Directory forum and search engine.

Texts on-line

There are quite a many sites with text on line, of course most of them are classic of literature, philosophy and so on, but even libraries in their entirety translated in electronic format: the following is a choice of the ones I consult more often. For texts about philosophy, computer science, mathematics look at the specific sections in this site.

Literature and essays (also scientific, philosophical, etc.)

The Perseus Project is a huge collection of texts on line about the most disparate arguments: it also contains a lot of resources, like Liddell-Scott Greek dictionaries, English index, Word frequencies and more! In particular it contains a collection of texts and translations of Latin and Greek classics, a Encyclopedia and an interactive web atlas of the ancient world.
Project Gutenburg is another excellent collection of on line texts not specialized to any particular subject.
Gallica, bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France is a delicious collection of tens of thousands of books, mainly scanned in pdf (not in text format) from the national French library: if you love books you'll spend a lot of time on this site.
Goettingen State and University Library Server has more than 4000 documents and 1800000 images on line! Most notably is its magazine section.
Electronic Text Center (University of Virginia). As they say: The Center combines an on-line archive of tens of thousands of SGML and XML-encoded electronic texts and images with a library service that offers hardware and software suitable for the creation and analysis of text. Through ongoing training sessions and support of teaching and research projects, the Center is building a erse user community locally, serving thousands of users globally, and providing a model for similar humanities computing enterprises at other institutions.
Free Web Books, Online from The unversity of Adelaide library.
Questia is proud, I do not know whether with right or not, to be the major on-line library of the world: in any case it contains a lot of interesting material.
Oxford Text Archive.
American University Archives.
The Universal Library at Carnagie Mellon University.
Millions of great ebooks at wheaton.
E-Books Gratuiti libri gratis on-line. contains a lot of links to on line texts.
Great Literature On-line.
Some scanned texts from the Netherland.
Litrix Reading Room.

Classics and middle age texts

PSU's Electronic Classics Site.
Page by Page books Classics on line.
Antique Books is a good site with copies of ancient books (image formats).
The Latin Library contains many classic and middle age texts in the original latin tongue.
The classic text.
The Online Medieval and Classical Library is a collection of some of the most important text of the classic and middle-age epoch (especially of the center and north of Europe).
Internet Classics Archive at MIT: hundreds of works by classic authors, mostly Greeks and Latin, but also Chinese in English translations.
Ancient Historical Works In English Translation, with some classics from greek and Latin sources.
Online Resource Book for Medieval Studies.
The Labyrinth proposes itself as a guide for middle-age researches on the WEB.
Internet Medieval Sourcebook is a middle-age texts archive.
The Complete Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Poetry.
Apocalypse works of apocalyptic taste from anglo saxon corpus.
Celt Corpus of electronic texts.
Letteratura italiana del Duecento come dice il titolo comprende testi medievali italiani.

Romance languages

LIBRO: The library of Iberian resources on line es una colleccion de textos de y sobre la cultura íberica. tiene muchos textos en castillano, de escritores de todo el mundo (mas que 2300).
Festival internacional de poesía de Medellin has poetical texts.
Sonetos del siglo de Oro includes texts from Cervantes, Góngora, Lope de Vega, Quevedo...
Poesías - Menú de autores is a collection of poetical works in Spanish.
Letteratura italiana in formato .html.
Qui si trova una scelta di classici della letteratura italiana e non:


See also: Texts on mathematics, Texts on philosophy and the sections devoted to single authors and to their works.
Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigne, txt L'hiver, poem.
Jorge Luís Borges, txt El sueño de Coleridge, essay from Otras inquisicciones.
Jorge Luís Borges, txt Odisea, libro XXIII, poem from El otro, el mismo.
Jorge Luís Borges, txt El último viaje de Ulises, essay from Nueve ensayos dantescos.
Robert Chambers, txt Cassilda's Song, poem from The King in Yellow.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, txt The rime of the ancyent marinere, poem.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, txt Kubla Khan, poem [cf. Borges essay txt El sueño de Coleridge.]
Giovanni Papini, txt Ignoto, from 24 Cervelli.
Giovanni Papini, txt Dante, from 24 Cervelli.
Giovanni Papini, txt Per Dante e contro il Dantismo, from Eresie Letterarie.
Fernando Pessoa, txt The King of Gaps, poem.
Fernando Pessoa, txt Annabel Lee, poem, translation of Edgar Allan Poe's poem.
Fernando Pessoa, txt O corvo, poem, translation of The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.
Percy Bisshe Shelley, txt Hymn of Pan, poem.
Percy Bisshe Shelley, txt Night, poem.
Oscar Wilde, txt The Ballad of Reading Gaol, poem.
Oscar Wilde, txt The Sphinx, poem.
Oscar Wilde, txt To Milton, poem.
Oscar Wilde, txt The Grave of Keats, poem.